Easter decor

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Easter decor 2

Did you know that most of your colorful Easter decor pieces are of pagan origins. Many Easter traditions derive from pre Christian pagan religions, as in the Early Middle Ages, the Christian churches adopted some elements of national cult and folk religion.

Even the word “Easter” comes from a Saxon mythical entity called Eastre. Eastre was the goddess of spring and she was celebrated in the vernal equinox which also determinates the date of Easter Sunday until our days.

Bunnies entered into Easter folklore due to their high mating performance and became symbols of fertility along with chicks. ducklings and eggs that the Romans believed to be source of all life. As for dyed eggs that represent the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they are also linked to older Spring rites which date back to the ancient Rome, Greece, Persia and Egypt.

Pagan or not I cannot think of an Easter holiday without the house bursting with fluffy lambs and bunnies, chubby chicks and eggs of every possible size. material and color and since it’ about time for Easter decorations here are some of the cutest, most ridiculous and adorable Easter decor pieces I found on the internet.


chicks and ducklings..



and mixed fellowships..