Autumn is here to stay but there is no need to be depressed. Here are 7 fun facts about Autumn that will give you reasons to love it:
Football season starts
The majority of domestic football league seasons around the world, begin in late August but there’s no doubt that the real thing begins in Autumn.
Movies season starts
It’s common practice for Film studios, to save their best films for release between October and January, in order to attract mass audiences and Academy awards nominations and votes.
Energy saving
Autumn is the least energy demanding season due to Daylight Saving Time, and the reduced need for air conditioning or heating.
No swimsuit worries
The kind and forgiving autumn wardrobe gives an end to the tortures of many people, suffering from summer depression SAD, due to body image issues.
Better sleep
Experts agree that heat affects how well you sleep, ideally recommending room temperatures between 18 and 21 C degrees which, along with the reduction of daylight, makes Autumn the perfect sleep season.
Pomegranates are in season
September is typically the harvest month of pomegranate in the Northern Hemisphere, one of the most nutritionally rich “super fruits”, with unique flavor and heath promoting characteristics.
It’s time for love
There is scientific evidence that birth rates tend to peak in spring and summer which could be related to cooler Autumn temperatures being more appropriate for hugging and cuddling.
“Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.”
Shira Tamir
Have a wonderful Fall!