Benefits of grapes

Benefits of grapes

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Many of you probably know some of the amazing health and nutritional Benefits of grapes but did you know that?

Grapes are berries

Grapes are not actually fruit but berries and they come in more than 8,000 varieties and 7 different colors. Red, green, white, black, purple, blue and golden.

GrapevinesThe estimated age of grapes is 65 million years old

Researchers believe grapes to be around 65 million years old and the oldest winery in the world found by Archaeologists in the region of Georgia in Armenia, dates wine making from grapes, back to the Bronze age, in 6.000BC.

Ancient Egyptians ate grapes

Ancient Egyptians were known to be eating grapes and drinking wine according to Hieroglyphics, while the Ancient Greeks and Romans not only drunk wine but had the God Dionysus dedicated to it’s worship.

Grape leaves are Edible

Grapes, with the exception of stems, are edible top to bottom since their leaves are used, according to Wikipedia in the Greek, Persian, Arab, Romanian, Armenian and Vietnamese cuisine and others and also the seeds, though not very tasteful, are edible and full of antioxidants.

Low calorie diets can include grapes

Grapes contain low levels of chоlеstеrоl, sodium and fat and are 80% water and there for excellent for weight loss. 100g grapes provide only 69 calories, zero cholesterol levels and are rich in vitаmins K and C. Be careful though because that they can be laxative if overeaten.

Antioxidants contained in grapes protect health

Grapes are also rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex and carotenes phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Calcium and minerals like copper, Iron, Potassium, Manganese and several antioxidants such as Resveratrol, Anthocyanin and Catechins, which give complete protection against many serious diseases.


8 Health benefits of grapes


Grapes are gift of nature

They are delicious, refreshing, nutritious and there is no end to the amazing Benefits of grapes. Grapes are a true gift from nature that deserves a special place to our hearts and our tables!