Happy new year my beloved crocheters from all over the world! Many times I’ve been asked if a specific pattern of mine, can be made with a different yarn, than the one indicated in the video. This repetitively appearing query brought me to the conclusion, that maybe there is a need to try to explain to you the differences between crochet yarns. To be even bolder, maybe answer the ultimate question:
What type of yarn is best for bags?
Odd, as it might seem the number one choice in my list that answers the above question, would be T-shirt yarn. A material as controversial as the issue of global climate change. Well alright, maybe not as much, but undoubtedly it is a “love to hate” fiber due to the equivalent number of its pros and cons.
T shirt yarn Pros
- Inexpensive:
One 800gr bobbin of T-shirt yarn is often more than enough to create an entire crochet project, such as many of my bags.
- Fast:
T-shirt yarn produces huge stitches which translates into a smaller number of stitches, rows, or rounds, required per pattern, which significantly reduces the time needed to complete a project.
- Firm:
Thick t-shirt yarn can be easily worked rigid and produce items that will keep their form to an extent that resembles solid objects.

- Impressive:
Combined with specific stitches it creates admirable surfaces and spectacular 3d geometrical shapes.
- Easy to find or Diy
T-shirt yarn is widely sold in the global market, and even if you live in a country where is not commercially popular you can easily do it yourself. To find out how to keep reading this very article, till the end.
T shirt yarn Cons
- Hard:
Many types of T-shirt yarn are made of rough unsmooth fiber that creates friction when pulling a loop. Working for long periods with a yarn like that will strain your body and might cause injuries to your hands and neck.
- Heavy:
Depending on the consistency of the fiber, a t-shirt yarn bobbin usually weighs around 850-950 grams, resulting in creating quite hefty, back-breaking items.
- Inconsistent :
Finding the exact same Lot of a specific bobbin of T-shirt yarn is often impossible. So if you made the mistake to purchase less than needed to complete your project you might later be forced to buy, bobbins of slightly different color to complete it and end up with an accidentally gradient Bag.
- Imperfect:
Recycled T-shirt yarn can be uneven in width, interrupted, or even worse, joined with perky knots. A yarn like this will sabotage all your effort for a uniform unfluctuating handiwork.
- Elasticity:
Many types of t-shirt yarn are quite stretchy. An elastic thick yarn can be very difficult to work with, especially for someone inexperienced with tension.
Now that I shared with you the distillation of my wisdom that derives from my often literarily traumatic experiences with t shirt yarn, I feel I should also share some useful tips.
T shirt yarn Tips
- Make absolutely sure to purchase the right amount of yarn before starting a project. Finding the same lot of a bobbin might be utopic, especially when it comes to recycled yarn.
- To protect your arms and hands from injury, hold your crochet hook like a stake. Do not allow yourself to work for many hours and make sure to take frequent breaks.
- Practice with a sample to find the right tension for your pattern. This will be a life savior if your t-shirt yarn is elastic or rough in touch.
- Determine if the project you are about to start is suitable to work with t-shirt yarn. Refer to the following list of Dos and Dont’s to do so.
T shirt yarn Dos
- T-shirt yarn is perfect to use for items that have a geometrical rigid form such as a macaron bag, a square bag, or the dare to say famous paraligo’s Pyramid Clutch.
- You must absolutely try to use thick bulky t-shirt yarn with stitches comprised of long vertical loops, such as the Rattan Single Crochet stitch, the Frontal Half Double Crochet stitch, or the Canestro stitch. You will be amazed by what difference the right choice of yarn could make combined with the appropriate stitch.
T shirt yarn Dont’s
- Never ever try to use t-shirt yarn with a rich, decorative, yarn-consuming stitch such as the puff stitch, popcorn stitch, bobble stitch, balloon stitch, etc. Even if you won’t mind the hulky appearance, you’ll end up with a bag suitable only for a heavyweight lift champion.
- Do not I repeat do not use t-shirt yarn if you intend to create a large bag such as a tote. You will literarily have to use tones of yarn and your bag will be likely to cause Musculoskeletal injuries when carried.
To complete this journey into the obscure world of T shirt yarn I will humbly attempt to answer some frequently asked questions about T-shirt yarn.
What is T shirt yarn used for?
T-shirt yarn can be used in a variety of crafts, including crochet, macrame, knitting, weaving and, rag making. It is recommended for creating bags, baskets, baby prams, floor poufs, rugs, carpets, decorative objects, home slippers, bracelets etc.
What is Tshirt yarn called?
T-shirt yarn is according to Wikipedia, “.. a crochet and knitting medium. T-shirt yarn is also known as “tarn” and T-Yarn..” There are also different denominations, such as spaghetti, macaroni or ribbon yarn.
It largely breaks down into two types – handmade and manufactured with the second type divided into two categories. First cut t-shirt yarns and Recycled t-shirt yarns, depending on the method of manufacture. First cut T-shirt Yarns are produced of entire pieces of textiles while recycled are produced from the remnants of the textile industry.
What size is Tshirt yarn?
The size of T-shirt yarn varies depending on the original weight of the fabric itself and the width of the strips it is cut into (before stretching). The weight also relates to fiber content for example % lycra, poly, rayon, cotton etc. In the market, you will find T-shirt yarns suitable for, from a 4mm to a 15mm ( US G6- N/P15) crochet hook.
How to join Tshirt yarn
To join long strands or complete balls saw the two ends together. For short pieces of strand Place one end on top of the other. Fold one cm of the two edges together. Cut a small hole in the middle of the fold. Then insert the end of the top piece into the slit from under the slit. Pull the two ends apart to tighten the join.
Is Tshirt yarn stretchy?
The elasticity of a T-shirt yarn depends on the fiber content and the method of manufacture. First Cut t-shirt yarn is typically not stretchy in contrast with recycled one, but the above does not always apply.
Can you buy t shirt yarn?
There is a major assortment of T shirt yarn, on the worldwide market which falls under two large classifications. First, cut T-shirt yarn and Recycled T-shirt yarn. First, cut T-shirt yarns are an optimal choice as they are uniform and less stretchy. Recycled T-shirt yarns are the inexpensive choice but they are often interrupted or have knots and usually have fluctuations in strand width.
How do you cut a T shirt into yarn?
- Lay your T-shirt out flat and remove the hem and the top of the shirt, just below the armpits with a sharp pair of scissors.
- Fold the remains of the t-shirt on its side with a one side margin of about an inch.
- Cut even strips of both layers of the T-Shirt without cutting all the way across the margin.
- Place the margin side over your arm and make diagonal cuts from one strip to the following
- Stretch the strand section by section, by pulling it in opposite directions.
- Wrap your yarn into a ball