Dense stiches for crochet bags Part 1|The Waistcoat Stitch
Many times when starting to design a new bag I remember spending hours desperately searching on the internet for a playlist or a post listing stitches appropriate for crochet bags. To my great surprise and disappointment, my searches always proved … Continued
Crochet bag locks and Closures Guide
Believe it or not Crochet bag Locks and Closures are a very important part of the design process of crochet bags. The closure of a bag serves more than functional purposes. It defines the style, it forms the shape and … Continued
Crochet Diamond Clutch
With a Crochet Diamond Clutch or to be more accurate a crochet Rhombus Clutch, paraligo says goodbye to winter and welcomes Spring paying Its respects to one of the hottest bag trends of spring and summer 2021. Geometry. So we … Continued
How and why to attach premade handles to a crochet bag!
After an entire article heaping applause on premade bases for crochet bags, it’s time to praise store-bought handles for crochet bags. For even the most humble crochet bag when fitted with a nice pair of handles, a beautiful strap, or … Continued
How to crochet bags using leather bases and why use bag shapers
Pre-made perforated bases for crochet bags, also known as bag shapers are one of the greatest inventions in the history of crochet bags. Though their appearance is relatively recent, they literarily flooded the market by leaps and bounds and they … Continued
Crochet bag parts and accessories explained
Many times in my YouTube channel, I received video comments asking me to suggest methods and patterns to replace parts and accessories I used, to create specific bags. During the years, I also noticed that my video tutorials that demonstrated … Continued
Crochet bags With Knitting Yarn
Can I crochet with knitting yarn? Can Knitting Yarn be used for crochet bags? Is there even such a thing as knitting yarn? You can, it can and it’s complicated would be the answers to the above questions. But let … Continued
Crochet bag with metal frame
Have you ever tried to make a Crochet bag with metal frame? Well if you haven’t you definitely must because they are one of the hottest trends on bags for this year. If you don’t know how, this video is … Continued
Crochet bags with Crochet Thread
If there was royalty among crochet mediums; crochet thread would undoubtedly be the Queen. Both refined and delicate, thread crochet is truly an art for the skilled and the bold. Even though crochet thread would never be my first choice … Continued
Crochet with Macrame Cord
Today we are talking about the use of Macrame Cord for crochet, which is the number three listing in my catalog that answers the following question: What type of yarn is best for bags? This post is the third part … Continued